Amazon 728 X 90

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Future Technologies - I Can't Wait!

  1. iPhone/iPad fling transmitter - Lets cut the cord please
  2. Control on iPhone/iPad from your PC without Jailbreaking
  3. DVD’s a thing of the past?  Details forthcoming.
  4. Near Field Communication
  5. Why are we paying so much to watch TV?  Solutions to keep an eye on:
    1. Free over the Air TV with TIVO
    2. Netflix, HULU, Apple TV, Amazon, Roku
    3. HDMI over Air
    4. in order to get HD quality signal transferred to your HDTV, both the transmitter and receiver need to be plugged into the same circuit. In other words, both plugs need to be connected to the same breaker in your fuse box.
    5. RF TV Remote
    6. Near Field Communication
Details to Follow....

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